Facad www.facad.com

Cephalometric Analyses
A collection of certain cephalometric measurements is called an analysis.

You can select the cephalometric analysis to be calculated during tracing from a list of standard analyses that come with the Facad program, or from a list of local, custom-made analyses.

Any analysis can be modified or completely custom-made by yourself using the built-in analysis editor (where a large selection of measurements, lines, and markers are available in a cephalometric library), or by ordering a custom designed analysis from us.

The sagittal axis can easily be redefined to enable customized measurements.

It is possible to perform cephalometric analyses on lateral and frontal images, panoramic x-ray images, and on (two-dimensional) images of cast models.

Standard Cephalometric Analyses.

Analysis result
Facad automatically calculates accurate values for the measurements (distances and angles) defined by the chosen analysis, and presents the result together with a symbolic presentation of the value’s deviation from the norm value.

The norm interval can be adjusted by the user.

The values are automatically updated when the position of a marker is adjusted.

Analysis result.

Interactive measurements

Further measurements (distances and angles) can interactively be made directly on the digital x-ray image, correctly calibrated.

Interactive measurement (Me-NL distance).

Graphic presentation

Cephalometric measurements and lines.

Cephalometric measurements and values can together with cephalometric lines (such as the nasion-sella line and the mandibular line) be presented graphically in the tracing image.

Harmony box
The Harmony box introduced by
Segner and Hasund is a method to present certain cephalometric values graphically, to facilitate the assessment of the facial type (prognathic, orthognathic, retrognathic).

Harmony box.